Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Magic Carpet Ride

Over The Rainbow

Magic Carpet Ride
By Anglia Emmendorfer

Sweet trembling lips
I know now that I have died
Must be heaven
I am blushing.
You know that’s right
We don't care.
Through sheer madness.

 Through luminous veils,
Shadows can only be seen
Sitting close side by side.
Like a knitted cable pattern intertwined
Nothing else matters;
~You and I~

Oh, what stringy pink robe
Of cotton candy we weave;
To enlighten and not deceive.
As it melts
Where no one else dreams,
Our dreams of us are always there.

 Sliding into the danger zone
Without a care.
Swooning beneath the pink clouds
Of the perfect reflective moonlight.
You melt the pink crystals to reveal
Caresses of hope, love and joy
On that magic carpet ride.

Sugary sweet kisses
From head to toe.
As we roll up in that carpet and deny
The world has its place and we have ours.
The world is a brand new place
To see for ours is hours beyond time.
Forget the world as it is for most;
Ours is ours to toast.

Cotton candy and magic carpet rides
Only two of the splendors
We will not be deprived
It's our landings not our falls
That will tell it all.
A whole new world for only us to know
Never, ever again a need to prove;
No one to touch us or glare in our eyes.
We will forever be on our magic carpet ride.

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