Monday, April 15, 2013

“Artist Biography”

“Artist Biography”

By Anglia Emmendorfer


Poetry is priceless acts of faith, inspiration, and humor with a touch of magic and love in each word casted before the world in humble ado.
The gift of our five senses opens the doors to life's sensations and avenues of flight for the mind to bloom and share such wonderful works of art.
As a child, money was not of value when there was none.
The imagination was opened and allowed to grow with the child.
As a child, we are so vulnerable and our minds are not closed.
Allowing the world's abundant beauty to paint the mind with abstract and concrete imagines that are often forgotten as an adult.
I too fell into that vortex of revolving doors of expectations that cloud who we are to the world.
The brushing off the dust of expectations and the exhale of life gives us the ability to feel, see, touch, smell and taste what life offers us when we are not looking.
We forget to live life and not let life live us.
Salutations to our ability to share our works of art in a fine fashion that impacts the life of another.
After years, life still gives the blooms needed for the pen to meet the paper with elegance and grace as the mind explores the imagination.
If more adults would let their minds exhale and breathe in the gracious gifts of life as we experience as once being a child, then the ability to sense all their senses, navigate the imagination and score life’s songs through poetry affords the world to be a better place.
Angie PS: Don’t forget to Smile.


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