“Echo Whispers”
By Anglia Emmendorfer
The warm breezy air stream
Brushing off the incoming gulf ocean
As the waves ripple in the teasing waters
around my feet,
It made me want more.
As I move closer to the ocean,
You can hear it speak to you.
Come bask in my warm salty pleasure
Let me feel your body tremble with each
beating tide.
With each melting grain of sand,
The ocean's mouth gets wider and higher
It drifts your body into its warm tempting
blanket of pleasure.
Never wanting to leave such ecstasy
As the ocean engulfs her arms around,
You relax on your back on top of my silky
sheet of beauty.
I will hold you.
Crest each part of your soul with loving
You comply with every wish trusting the
Drifting in and out of the shore line,
You want to speak
But the hushes of all the warm glory spreads
within you
The mind questions, "How did I deserve
such a treasure?"
The ocean chants its score to you,
I was always here.
Now, you finally trusted me
I will heal all your wants and cares,
Touch your soul and hold it sacred in my
Listen to every beat of your rushing heart,
See the beauty of your eyes and smile,
Feel you enjoy each rushing current,
Taste the essence of your every need.
As the silky ocean's blanket comforts you,
You look up to the massive blue sky,
Say a prayer thanking God for all his
Request this heavenly dream never ends.
As you speak those words of thanks,
The ocean embraces you;
Cups you with more love than ever.
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