Monday, April 15, 2013

“Heaven’s Door”

“Heaven’s Door”

By Anglia Emmendorfer


As I hear the knock

Thoughts of dream scrapes

Scan the mind

Tempered breezes,

Guided sails,

Blue powdered skies,

Shifting winds,

Turquoise wetness,

Tell tales fluttering,

Telling the tales

Dancing with each

Direction our minds flow

Vibrations touch the cords

With shouts of ready about,

Touching the door


Hard a lee

Push the tiller; breathe

Ninety degrees starboard side; steady

Boom port…jib sheeted

Open the door quickly

Changing sides hold steady.

Weather eye spanning

Tears in the eyes

Making room for all.

Hope in stride and held steady

No coincidence

Only complete, concise and coherent


Acceptance in its purest form,

Affirmation smiles gleaming,

Trembling from the touch,

Each God granted moment.

Flowing winds of thoughts

Throughout the night.

Leads to all new found hope.

Generous helpings of love

With our roses given always;

Not your first but your last.

Captain, Only For You!



1 comment:

  1. I'vs read this so many times and it always touches me to my core. It's just so personal.
